Tom Miksits-Dioso und Lucia Vilsecker

Experts in innovation and brand development, business development in the FMCG sector, as well as startup and company builder models.

The complete solution for companies looking to secure their future success in today’s fast-paced business world. Portfolio updates and innovations are crucial to staying ahead of the competition. Developing and successfully implementing new ideas is a significant challenge, especially in an already thriving business environment. This is where we come in – we make innovation possible and support the implementation of portfolio updates and innovations. The two have already successfully led a startup to success and successfully sold it, giving them a deep understanding of new companies and the know-how to drive them forward effectively.


  • Setting up and supporting startup and company builder models for businesses
  • Portfolio and brand updates for existing brands in core markets or during launches in new markets
  • 360-Degree Innovation: Analysis, strategy development, and complete implementation up to the launch
  • Planning the exit strategy
  • Workshops in innovation and company building
  • Advisory at the C-level and for leaders in innovation departments